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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SATYAM plastics.com 9
SAWAN plastics 17
plastics 1, 17
SUN plastics +sun 21
SUN plastics cricket ball 28
TAAZ plastics +diamond 16
TATA VOHRA plastics +woman 17
TONNY DEEPAK plastics 18
VITAMINS FOR plastics 2
plastics 17
bp BABA plastics 16
new BOBBY DEEPAK plastics 18
p ARIHANT plastics +triangl 17
pp PRIYA plastics +circle 1
urmi plastics UP +circle 10
yp YORK plastics +sun 17
E plasticsindia +circles 16
JOYAS plasticware +oval 21
VB plasticware +oval 21
plastik LIPS 16
plasto CEIL 19
BLUE MAN plasto world +man 21
NATARAJ 621 plasto eraser 16
cement AMBUJA plasto plus 19
PATEL plastoware 35
ACS pyramid energy plate 10
ASTIN clutch plate 12
AVANI electronic hot plate 11
BAAZ clutch plate 12
BLUE STAR paper plate +star 16
BNB clutch plate B +oval 12, 17
DD DICE N DINE +die & plate 43
E clutch plate 12
EASTERN +plate 30
ECOSOLV plate cleaner gp 1
ECOSOLV plate cleaner hd 1
ELITE clutch plate 12
JEEVAN DHARA +plate 29
JET plate 1
KINETIC plate 11
plate 43
NOVAFLASH plate cleaner 1
OMI clutch plate 37
REGO plate series 9
SCORE clutch plate 12
WEP clutch plate 12
royal buffet on a plate 43
DREAMZ plateau 16
CITY KING plated pins 16
VISHAL plated pins 16
WELL nickel plated pins 16
HPL human platelets lysate 44
ASK clutch plates +ovals 12
AUTO EXPO clutch plates 12
BAJAJ SG clutch plates 12
C.T.S gold clutch plates 12
CASTO DUR diamond plates 6
GRUHINI +chef & plates 30
INNOVA ps plates & papers 1
LITTLE CHERRY leaf plates 21
MCK clutch plates & brake 12
MK STAR value plates +star 12
MK clutch plates +circle 12
NIKE battery plates 9
PARAS battery plates 9
R PEE battery plates 9
SETHI clutch plates 12
SLNS plates & paper cups 21
r-PEE battery plates 9
COMMON platform 35, 37, 38, 42
PAY WISE payment platform 42
TREK platform CUSHION 25
POLAR platina 11
SHREEJI gold plating works 14
platinum LOUNGE 16
platinum glass gallery 21
platinum star 19
AC platinum 9, 32
AKASAKI platinum 9, 35, 37
AMBIENCE platinum tower 36
APSARA platinum extra dark 16
COLGATE platinum 5
CORPORATE platinum 3
EMAMI platinum 21
EVARA platinum BLESSING 14
EVARA platinum collection 14
JOKKARPLY-platinum 19
KURL-ON platinum +star 20
LEGACY platinum 10
MCDOWELL'S NO.1 platinum 33
MCDOWELL'S no.1 platinum 9
MONTEX platinum SERIES 16
ORBITREK platinum 28
PT pure platinum +ovals 16
TIJARIA platinum +squares 24
VALTELLINA royal platinum 24
VICKY platinum 28
VIPCOT platinum 31
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